Resurrecting the School Building Fund for Religious Institutions?
Historically, religious institutions like churches were able to establish a separate “school building fund” which was controlled by the religious institution for the purposes of acquiring, constructing and maintaining a building which would be used as...
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Things Are Changing for Those Who Die Without a Will
Many people believe that if you die without a Will in Western Australia, your estate will either go to the government or to your next of kin. This is generally not the case. Under the Administration Act 1903 (WA) (“Act”), complex provisions set out...
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Guidance at Last: UPE Sub-Trust Arrangements Maturing in 2017/2018
By now, many will be aware of the recent release of Practical Compliance Guideline PCG 2017/13, containing guidance for trustees with unpaid present entitlements (UPEs) held on about-to-expire “sub-trust” arrangements. With the clock ticking on pos...
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Tax Incentives for Start-Ups and Early Stage Investors
Among the more concrete initiatives in the Prime Minister’s National Innovation and Science Agenda released on 7 December 2015 (“Agenda”) are changes to the tax law to: increase access to company carry-forward losses; make Venture Capital Li...
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Employee Share Scheme Changes: Equity Incentives
On 30 June last year, the Tax and Superannuation Laws Amendment (Employee Share Schemes) Act 2015 received Royal Assent, retracting many of the 2009 changes to employee share scheme (ESS) interests, such as the inability to defer the taxing point on optio...
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